Kerruish Park Stream Restoration

In early 2015 the Mill Creek Partnership received $30,000 from the Ohio EPA through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The funding will be used to develop a project-ready design for Mill Creek watershed. We looked at the proposed projects in our Watershed Action Plan (still under review by the State) and we selected the Kerruish Park Stormwater Basin due to the fact that it needed help upstream to reduce debris and sediment from settling in the basin itself. The design and planning team will look at the Main stem from Miles Road down to the basin to determine the restoration and enhancement opportunities.

Kerruish Park

Our partners on the project are the City of Cleveland (property owner), Cleveland Pollution Prevention (managers of the stormwater basin), Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (technical partner), and West Creek Conservancy (our Fiscal agent on this grant). Below is a conceptual plan that was done by Biohabitats Inc. for the watershed action plan. The conceptual plan shows how we may create more floodplain and instream habitat along this section of Mill Creek.

Kerruish Park Concept

Posted on

November 4, 2022

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