In light of the recent Public Health issue regarding lead in drinking water, the Cuyahoga County Board of Health has released the following statement for the public water supplies within their jurisdiction.

February 3, 2016


1. The public drinking water supplies serving Cuyahoga County are recognized as safe and the water quality is routinely checked per regulation. Please see the 2014 Water Quality report from the City of Cleveland Division of Water for more information about sampling and testing.

2. The source water, whether it is Lake Erie, Rocky River, or a well is free of lead.

3. Situations may occur where the private distribution system may contribute lead to the water if inactive for extended periods of time. This may be a concern in large distribution systems such as schools, and especially if the water pipes and fixtures were installed prior to 1986.

4. It is recommended that these systems institute a flushing protocol after a weekend of non-use. This protocol is included on page 56 of the EPA’s 3T’s for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools publication.

5. Concerns regarding the public drinking water supply should be directed to the entity that provides water for your facility.

6. For those interested in conducting private testing, please review the list of Ohio EPA certified laboratories.

For more information about the public health implications of lead in drinking water, please contact:

John Sobolewski
Supervisor, Healthy Homes Program
216-201-2001 x1515

Matt Johnson
Program Manager, School Environments
216-201-2001 x1238

More detail can be found on the CCBH website with links to referenced reports and lists.